Hi, I'm Grace,
Mind Body Eating Coach and Mentor.
You can’t stop thinking about food the whole day?
You feel like a failure and undisciplined every time you try another diet?
You don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror?
You think you are not disciplined enough for a workout routine?
You don’t feel happy in your own skin?
→ Change begins within you!
The very first step is getting to know yourself better, to gain more clarity about your habits and the underlying emotions that drive you.
Through that you have the power to change habits that no longer serve you, to integrate purposeful ones and overcome emotional eating, all in a sustainable way.
You have the power to step into the woman you truly are.
Reaching your full potential and becoming the best version of yourself is closer than you think.
“My mission is to support and inspire women to realize their full power, their full potential, and to find joy and self-love in being themselves.”
For many years, I was driven by the constant question of what to eat, when to eat and how much I was allowed to eat. Food gave me a certain comfort but it also took away all of my control.
I was forcing myself to workouts due to fear of gaining weight and never found joy in exercising.
When I couldn’t meet my own harsh expectations, a vicious cycle of self-hatred began- the total opposite of joy. I never felt good enough.
This is the way I lived my life for years, fighting against bulimia, body dysmorphia, feeling trapped in a body I hated.
One diet after another – one binge eating attack after another, followed by the next diet.
However, I’m here to tell you that there is a way out of this downward spiral.

“My Vision is that every woman in the world has the power to change, to become the best version of herself, and to live a life filled with joy and self-love.”

Imagine what it would feel like to know exactly what’s good for your body and to experience food freedom.
Imagine yourself being completely in tune with the signals of your body – you eat when you’re hungry – you rest when you’re tired – you workout when you feel like moving.
Imagine what would happen when you’re able to put yourself first and not second, when you know and respect your own boundaries, when you’re able to say no, and above all else, when you truly know your own value.
1:1 Coaching for Women to Overcome Emotional Eating and Make Peace With the Body
A 12 weeks coaching program (with the possibility of extension) to change your lifestyle for the better.
Benefits of the program:
- Overcome emotional eating
- Break the vicious cycle of dieting
- Find freedom in eating
- Make peace with your body
- Change negative beliefs you have about yourself
- Feel great in your own skin
- Deepen the relationship with yourself and cultivate self-love
- Fall in love with the woman in the mirror
- Feel attracted by your own body
- Feel confident and empowered as the woman you are
- Know your worth and your values
- Become the best version of yourself

Eine Reise zur Selbstliebe mit Grace (Deutsch)
Video Testimonials
Collaborations & Podcasts (Deutsch)
Podcast Inspirierend Anders:
Erfahre mehr über meine Geschichte im Podcast Interview mit Luca
Zur Folge: Womenscoach, Bodypositivity, Essstörung, Aufklärung
Mehr Infos zu Luca von Inspirierend Anders und Podcast Coaching findest du <<hier>.
Podcast When The Moon Rises:
Full Episode: Beyond Shape – The Secret To Achieve Body Freedom
Full Episode: How to Heal the Mother Wound and Relearn Your Value
More Infos about Clara you find <<here>>.
Podcast Spiegelliebe:
Zur Folge: Endlich Frieden im eigenen Körper schliessen (im Interview mit Louisa)
Mehr Infos zu Lousia findest du <<hier>.
Podcast A thousand paths of healing
Wie Yoga und Achtsamkeit dir dabei helfen können deine Beziehung zu deinem Körper und dein Essverhalten zu transformieren.
Mehr Infos zu Laura findest du <<hier>.

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