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Profil Picture of Stefanie Grace

Hi, I'm Grace,
Mind Body Eating Coach and Mentor.

I support women in making peace with their relationship with food and their bodies in a sustainable way, to cultivate more self-love and to live a more empowered and joyful life.

You deserve to feel good in your own skin.

You can’t stop thinking about food the whole day?

You feel like a failure and undisciplined every time you try another diet?

You don’t like what you see when you look in the mirror?

You think you are not disciplined enough for a workout routine?

You don’t feel happy in your own skin?

→ Change begins within you!

The very first step is getting to know yourself better, to gain more clarity about your habits and the underlying emotions that drive you.

Through that you have the power to change habits that no longer serve you, to integrate purposeful ones and overcome emotional eating, all in a sustainable way.

You have the power to step into the woman you truly are.
Reaching your full potential and becoming the best version of yourself  is closer than you think.

“My mission is to support and inspire women to realize their full power, their full potential, and to find joy and self-love in being themselves.”

For many years, I was driven by the constant question of what to eat, when to eat and how much I was allowed to eat. Food gave me a certain comfort but it also took away all of my control.

I was forcing myself to workouts due to fear of gaining weight and never found joy in exercising. 

When I couldn’t meet my own harsh expectations, a vicious cycle of self-hatred began- the total opposite of joy. I never felt good enough. 

This is the way I lived my life for years, fighting against bulimia, body dysmorphia, feeling trapped in a body I hated.
One diet after another – one binge eating attack after another, followed by the next diet.

However, I’m here to tell you that there is a way out of this downward spiral.

Stefanie Grace resting on the beach

“My Vision is that every woman in the world has the power to change, to become the best version of herself, and to live a life filled with joy and self-love.

Stefanie Grace looking at the ocean and the waves.

Imagine what it would feel like to know exactly what’s good for your body and to experience food freedom.

Imagine yourself being completely in tune with the signals of your body – you eat when you’re hungry – you rest when you’re tired – you workout when you feel like moving. 

Imagine what would happen when you’re able to put yourself first and not second, when you know and respect your own boundaries, when you’re able to say no, and above all else, when you truly know your own value.

1:1 Coaching for Women to Overcome Emotional Eating and Make Peace With the Body

A 12 weeks coaching program (with the possibility of extension) to change your lifestyle for the better.
Benefits of the program:

  • Overcome emotional eating
  • Break the vicious cycle of dieting
  • Find freedom in eating
  • Make peace with your body
  • Change negative beliefs you have about yourself
  • Feel great in your own skin
  • Deepen the relationship with yourself and cultivate self-love
  • Fall in love with the woman in the mirror
  • Feel attracted by your own body
  • Feel confident and empowered as the woman you are
  • Know your worth and your values
  • Become the best version of yourself
Stefanie Grace on the couch - coaching


Eine Reise zur Selbstliebe mit Grace (Deutsch)

Video Testimonials

Collaborations & Podcasts (Deutsch)

Podcast Inspirierend Anders:
Erfahre mehr über meine Geschichte im Podcast Interview mit Luca 
Zur Folge: Womenscoach, Bodypositivity, Essstörung, Aufklärung 

Mehr Infos zu Luca von Inspirierend Anders und Podcast Coaching findest du <<hier>.

Mehr Infos zu Lousia findest du <<hier>.

Mehr Infos zu Laura findest du <<hier>.

Although most coaching sessions were digital, Grace immediately gave me the feeling of trust and understanding. So, I could quickly speak openly about my issues with eating behavior and how I see my body. The many conversations and the journey back to childhood helped me to stop constantly comparing myself to other women, but to understand and love my body, femininity, and, above all, myself. This understanding helped me to see my personality and perceived weaknesses as strengths of my femininity. The revised beliefs helped me in the long run to change my attitude and have a new perspective on eating. I listen to my body, pay attention to my hunger, and can manage my supplies. I eat with positive emotions and without guilt. With Grace's help, I found my way to myself, the joy of eating, and love for my body.
Wonder Woman
Dear, dear Grace. I want to thank you for the three months you accompanied me. Do you remember our first session? I was completely desperate, without a goal and without the perspective that my life could get better in the next time. I told you about my prison that I had built for myself. I really considered it a 'prison,' and I truly believed that nothing could help me. Then you came into my life, or rather, you appeared on my Instagram feed. 😅 I always felt taken seriously by you; you always had advice and could always help me further. Thank you for that. And when I look at myself now, what a huge difference there is from the wreck I was before our journey and now - it's incredible. I am incredibly proud of myself and just grateful that there are people like you. Thank you for everything.
Power Mum
I recognized years ago that I have issues with my eating behavior. To this day, I feel old behavioral patterns from my subconscious resurfacing. Thanks to Grace, I've learned to view my situation from an entirely new perspective, to question where the origin might lie, and to focus more on the causes than on treating symptoms. As a result of my eating disorder, it became increasingly clear to me that my self-image is very distorted. After coaching sessions with Grace, I approached things with new energy, motivation, and determination. Grace manages to convey her presence even digitally. You feel understood, taken seriously, and acknowledged. Whether it's another aha moment, a quick meditation or breathing exercise, informative and incredibly well-explained insights into body and mind, or simply the feeling of being a strong, valuable woman.
Nana F.
Private Client of Stefanie Grace, with her dog, outside.
"I decided to start my personal coaching with Stefanie because I felt I needed to change my personal relationship to my body and become fitter again. During the three month I learned much more than just to be fit again. It has been a great experience working together with Stefanie. Her program is very motivating and covers all the need that I had during the time. The weekly meetings have helped me a lot the gain a better relationship to my body and get a new perspective. I feel happier and fitter now. Stefanie is an amazing Coach and guides you trough the journey with great passion and knowledge."
Vanessa Heise, 30
Picture of a personal client of Stefanie Grace
“I started my personal coaching with Stefanie to consolidate my diet and exercise routines, to work on my yoga skills and consolidate a few poses, or learn some poses I've been longing for. In the first session with Stefanie, while formulating my goals, I quickly realised that I wanted to work on a few other issues - which I had been ignoring lately - and which were preventing me from achieving my actual goals. Stefanie guided me through my personal process with a lot of calmness and motivation. She gave me the necessary food for thought and tasks to deal with my issues outside my routine thinking patterns. I learned new perspectives and approaches on a mental as well as physical level and with Stefanie's help I was able to integrate these into my everyday life in the long term.” A wonderful sense of achievement was when I went clothes shopping and tried on a white jumpsuit. I couldn't have imagined feeling comfortable in such a piece of clothing before.
Michaela Pumberger, 29
A woman who was doing yoga classes and workouts with Stefanie Grace
Stefanie's teaching has given me a deeper understanding of how my body and mind interact, transition, and connect through different yoga flows. Her practices are easy to follow and help me calm my mind, but at the same time they always include a little challenge to explore. This has helped me improve my fitness level and body awareness, not only when practicing yoga, but also for many other sports such as climbing, mountain biking, HIIT as well as endurance trainings. I immensely appreciate Stefanie as a yoga, fitness, and mental coach, and can only recommend taking up classes and coaching sessions with her!
Julia Fischer, 30
Picture of Marjorie a private client of Ligaya Stefanie Grace
Coaching: I have found the freedom to say: I don't have to starve, I don't have to restrict myself; I simply enjoy the food... because, for me, eating truly means living. I love food. I've set a goal for myself: to experience and preserve self-love. I never truly loved myself, I must admit that looking back. But now, it's different. I love discovering my new self! Accepting all parts of my inner child. It's truly beautiful to experience – I love myself. Now I can look in the mirror and say that I love myself – as I am, without just prioritizing weight loss, but feeling good and loving myself – internally and externally. Yoga: Grace is very competent, clear, patient and motivating in guiding and performing the exercises. Especially the many little tips and cues have brought me to perform the individual positions correctly. Above all, she always goes after each "session" according to my situational momentary need, so that I can work on it specifically at that time. Performance and price ratio is absolutely reasonable. I even get little "extras" in the form of beautiful training backgrounds. Thank you for the great, joyful yoga classes with you. Namaste. Recommendation value: highly satisfied!
Marjorie Ewald, 40+
I decided to embark on an intensive journey with Grace's help because I was so exhausted from my daily rules, the prison I had built for myself. I felt understood right from the beginning, which made everything much easier because often you just can't put into words how you're feeling and/or why. Working with Grace was incredibly intense, yes, even exhausting, but in a good way. I've come so much closer to myself and can trust myself and my body more. I'm still on the journey to absolute freedom, but Grace has provided me with all the necessary tools and strategies, so now I feel courageous and strong enough to take the next steps on my own (with the reassuring knowledge that Grace would be there for me if I still need further support). I am so grateful to Grace for seeing the strength in me from the beginning and knowing how to strengthen it, so that I could recognize it too.
I started coaching because I thought I needed help with my sleep, but then I realized there are so many different areas where I can learn and grow. The great thing about her coaching is that it's so diverse and holistic. It combines fitness, nutrition, but also inner peace and mental health. I am now much more able to reflect on myself but from a new perspective, and as a result, I've come much closer to myself. I've also found a new approach to sports – it really is fun for me. Regarding nutrition, I've gained more awareness and now question myself: "Why am I eating this now? Do I really feel like eating, or am I stressed? What do I need right now?" I've learned that I can listen to my needs and allow myself the breaks I need without overeating if I want to take care of myself.
Silea, 27
Private Student Ligayayoga
The prenatal yoga classes with Stefanie were both, relaxing and strengthening. Most of the prenatal yoga courses out there are just relaxing sessions. With Stefanie you also get the important strengthening part – which prepares you in a physical and mental way for birth. Positive side effect: I had no back pain anymore after a while. I learned to give my pregnant body something back so I felt much better after every session.
Andrea Gutmann, 29
A soft and easy but persistent flow, taking you to an all-embracing journey thorough body mind and soul, animated and dreamlike but demanding full concentration and commitment, eventually dismissing you relaxed and strong and in high spirits. Flabbergasting good.
Monika, 60+
Student of Ligaya in Crossed Legs Position
The Beginner Programm of Stefanie helped me to get to know my body better. I already liked yoga before but had little idea what the individual positions were all about. In this Programm everything is explained and shown in detail. Thanks to Stefanie, I now know what my body is like and where I can work on. It is a lot of fun to learn something new every week and finally to feel the meaning of yoga.
Jennifer, 26
Even though the Beginner Program is online, Stefanie is always with me. After each video I could ask questions and uncertainties directly and received precise explanations. I felt individually supported. The six week yoga program inspired me to integrate yoga into my life. What does yoga mean to you? And for me? Thank you Stefanie for your inspiration! Through Stefanie I learned that yoga is not only sport and exercise, it is much more and I am grateful that I could integrate it into my life. What does yoga mean to you? For me it became a vessel to get to know myself better and to be more open in the world. Stefanie's energy and conviction to yoga came through in every video. It is inspiring how Stefanie takes me and you into her world and shares her experiences with us.
Silea, 27

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Badge Mind Body Eating Coach Certification
Graduated at uni wien
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Bliss Baby Yoga Certified
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